Do you dream of being featured in the media so you can attract a stream of regular paying clients?

Pay in full option only
£350 (inc VAT) 

You already know you need to be visible and have something worth sharing, but you’re not sure how to get started especially with high profile national publications. 

Confidence is proving to be a big stumbling block as is the feeling you don’t know where to begin or even how to approach Journalists. 

Did you know that being seen in the media is the most effective way to build your credibility, cement your expert status and drive sales in your business? 

 Looking to raise your profile and profit this year and beyond but don't know where to begin? 

This is where I can help you. 


I'm Nicola J Rowley,

and having worked in the media for 25+ years both as a Journalist and PR expert, I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs get visible through the power of strategic PR storytelling.  

Wearing both hats means I understand how it works on both sides of the fence and am not just guessing what editors and other journalists want.  

Thanks to the PR Mastery Membership my clients have already been featured in Stylist, Grazia, The Telegraph magazine, The Guardian, Stella, Metro, Woman, Woman's Own, Mail Online, and on TV and radio outlets. Every week someone is featured. So far in 2024, we have had two clients in Grazia magazine, another in Woman & Home, whilst others have secured pieces in Hello!, Stylist, Psychologies and Metro. When I say it's results-proven it really lives up to its name.

And the outcome?  

They have since been booked onto high profile podcasts, asked to speak at large-scale events and attracted more of their ideal clients, who more importantly have paid them for their time and expertise. 

In one instance, a Journalist even became a paying client after an interview and others have secured TV programmes dedicated to them on primetime BBC One, or had TV segments on ITV's This Morning or Channel 4's Steph's Packed Lunch! Others are regularly re-approached to provide expert comments and tips by journalists after building a great rapport with them. It happens all the time, so if you want to be seen in a safe way - this is for you.

Nicola J Rowley Strategic PR Storytelling

Want results like these?

Now is your chance to build the same credibility, influence and authority through being featured in the media thanks to my results-proven

PR Mastery Membership


You will learn everything you need to effectively pitch yourself and your story to Journalists to secure yourself national editorial coverage that will help secure your expert status and increase your reach and impact.

NB* This isn't a copy and paste membership using #Journorequest - far from it.

The PR Mastery Membership includes:



Real-time media requests posted in a private Facebook group to ensure you secure maximum PR success. I even include the Journalists' email address so you have the contact details and they're yours to keep. No more being at the bottom of 200 responses to the same media alert!



Q&A sessions with leading Journalists so you understand more about the publications they work for. This won't be a chance to pitch but it will help you understand the media landscape far better and you will walk away knowing who the best person is to contact.



I host specialist masterclasses to help you get crystal clear on your messaging, how PR can work for you, how to get started and templates for emails so when you make approaches to the media they're much more likely to get a response

Pen and paper


PR is about storytelling, not selling. To ensure you are pitch ready, every week, I will be LIVE in the Facebook group guiding you on key topics including how to contact Journalists, what they're looking for, and what you need in place to do so.


All I ask is that you sign up for a year to reflect the value you will be getting from this membership. Once you commit, you will be added to a Private Facebook Group, where you can network and cheer on the other PR Mastery members (and believe me when I say, they're an awesome bunch).

Join for the year and pay in full option
only £350 (inc VAT)

The PR Mastery Membership will also unlock:  

NJRPR Founder Nicola J Rowley

Discounted PR Strategy Session

This is the foundation for everything you will do in your business.

On joining the membership, you qualify for a £200 discount on an hour-long PR Strategy Session with Nicola, who will help you unpack your story, key messages, elevator pitch and some suggested feature ideas.

*NB there will be an additional cost to sign up to one of these sessions but you will end up with your story fully written and understand the angles that journalists will be interested in.

Storytelling masterclass and access to previous Q&A's

There is a library of Journalist Q&A's and trainings with the likes of the Personal Finance Editor from The Daily Telegraph, The Editor in Chief of Stylist, the Commissioning Editor for Red, Prima and Good Housekeeping as well as a storytelling masterclass that will help you to: 

• Write your story  

• Make your story newsworthy and appeal to Journalists  

• Understand what Journalists are looking for  



How to pitch to Journalists 

You will learn the following:  

• What to say to Journalists to secure coverage and how to find their contact details  

• How to work out your key messages  

• How to make the most of your media coverage once you have landed it  


Pay in full join for a year
for only
£350 (inc VAT)

"Nicola really knows her stuff when it comes to PR. The difference - Nicola was a journalist. She knows how it works from the inside rather than just guessing. And I love the PR Mastery Membership and am in there too!" 

Lisa Johnson - Business Strategist

What you will get from the PR Mastery Membership:  

Live Sessions Each week I’ll deliver a LIVE Q&A where you can ask me any PR related questions. The Membership is also supported with my PR Playbook which includes templates you can adapt as your own.  

Support & Accountability In addition to my personal support throughout, you will also have the support of other like-minded entrepreneurs who are on the same journey as you. We will be able to share experiences and help celebrate your wins, as well as providing the accountability you need to take action.  


The PR Mastery Membership is based on my 25+ years of expertise as a Journalist and a multi-award-winning PR expert. I also now run my own successful Communications agency, helping to get entrepreneurs noticed in the media. I know what works and what doesn’t and will share my knowledge with you as we go along.  

A PR Membership For All Skill Levels

Whether you’re just starting out in business or have been running things for a while, harnessing The Power of PR can make all the difference to your visibility and credibility. Getting your story told in the media is key to unlocking more high profile opportunities and more importantly sales.  


"It will be one of the best investments for you and your business. I've invested tens of thousands in marketing and by far my investments with Nicola have been one of the best return on those investments that I'm seeing. It's really a no-brainer. If you're throwing money down the Google or Facebook pan, just invest that in Nicola's PR Mastery Membership and you will not regret it."

Antoinette Daniel, Founder Just Helpers

The PR Mastery Membership is for you if... 

  • You want to have a steady stream of 1:1 clients and have a consistent income
  • You want to grow a team to support you in your business, so you have more of a work-life balance
  • You’re struggling to understand how you can be an expert in your field 
  • You know you need to share your message but don’t know where to start 
Nicola J Rowley PR Expert

Questions you might have

  • If I join as a member does my rate stay the same forever? Yes, so sign up whilst you can!
  • What if I decide this isn't for me? I don't think you will, but yes, once your time in the membership is up after the first 12 months, you can leave, as long as you give me a month's notice
  • Do you reply to the media on my behalf? No. If you feel you need further support with responding to the media, please contact me for a chat and we can see how else I might be able to support you.
  • How do the media enquiries work? Journalists post media requests all the time. Sometimes, they approach me directly and I will be able to forward these on to you. Often though, you will need to respond quickly in order to stand the best chance of securing the coverage. As part of the membership, you will receive a direct email address for a Journalist (where we can find one) and you will also be tagged in any opportunities we identify as being relevant to you. As with anything, you will get out of it what you put in.

Learn how to harness The Power of PR to become a recognised expert in your field and drive sales in your